
Saffron...........Making your memories last forever

Monday 16 December 2013

It's Here Again!!!

It's here again! The Saffron food seminar that assists women and young ladies with creative, fresh, new cooking ideas, tips and secret recipes! For the price of only N6,500, you can come learn a wealth of experience. Lunch and prayer area will be provided at the venue. Arrival time is 11am, after registrations than seminar starts by 12 noon. To register just text your full name and email to 08141749777 or 08095384803 or 08037869601. For those who don't have emails... just send your full name. a text will be sent to you with your  seminar reg number. Registration finishes on the 19th of Dec 2013.

As for the makeup workshop in January. Register by adding MKUP to your name and email. more details will be provided soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for making such a great effort in publishing well-researched article on event management. It’ll help people a lot.
    Regards, Ale Rossi
    Event Planner Malaysia
